The first Baltic Conference on the Environmental Humanities and Social Sciences (BALTEHUMS) was held in Riga, Latvia in 2018. It brought together close to 100 scholars interested in the field. The second BALTEHUMS (BALTEHUMS II) conference was originally planned in 2019 in Kaunas, Lithuania. Unfortunately, it was cancelled due to the pandemic. This year the organisers of the conference have decided to organise BALTEHUMS II online.
In BALTEHUMS II particularly welcome are contributions that investigate the history and present of environmentalism, environmental protection and social movements in the region. However, other topics related to environmental humanities and social sciences are welcome too – food, climate, health-environment nexus, landscape, recycling, human-animal interaction, environmental ethics etc.
To submit a paper, send your 300-word abstract to the organisers of BALTEHUMS II to by May 31, 2021.
More info about the conference and call for papers: